Christine & I got chatting at the CityFit Expo in Sydney in August 2016 & it was during this conversation that she announced she wouldn’t be running the City2Surf…she is “more of a shorter distance runner”. Little did I realise at the time that this Fast Twitch dynamo is an Australian rep, well on her way to the next Olympic Games! It is with absolute pleasure that I introduce Christine Wearne to the Girls Sweat Too community. She is a delight to chat with & a humble reminder to chase down those dreams & tackle them head on with self belief, determination & a supportive network of others. I am SUPER pleased to have Christine representing Girls Sweat Too & I invite everyone to follow & support this amazing girl on the move!
My name is Christine Wearne. I’m a 100m sprinter and placed 3rd in the Australian National Athletics championships earlier this year. I also was blessed with the opportunity to represent Australia in Japan in a few race meets in both the 100m and the 4x100m relay earlier this year. I’m about to start another exciting season and am aiming to represent Australia in London next year for the World Athletics Championships and ultimately the next Olympics in 2020.
I used to compete in school athletics carnivals and I went alright, considering I had no training behind me. I used to enrol with an athletics club and show up to a couple of race meets per year with no training.
One day, (I was 23 years of age) I rocked up to a local race meet with no training behind me.
I ran a time that was good enough for one of the elite race coaches (Emil Rizk) to notice. He approached me and said that I could go far in this sport and be amongst the top 5 in the country. Within the space of 9 months I was in Australia’s top 10 female sprinters.
Every year I achieve a little more than the year before.
I must say that sprinting makes you tough. It can be very confronting when you step up to the 100m start line but it toughens you up on and off the track. I have accomplished things in training over the years that I didn’t think I could do. I have found that when you set your mind to something, you can do it. I know it is a common saying but my athletics and training journey so far has proved this theory 100%.
You never know what you are capable of until your only option is pushing past what you thought was your limit.
I guess my biggest performance achievement so far would be representing Australia and winning Bronze at the National Athletics Championships. My biggest personal achievement is realising that I’m tougher than I thought.
A typical training day could consist of a gym work out or a track work out. During the summer (which is race season), the training is shorter and sharper so that I can be at my best and not fatigued for races. In the winter months, the weights are heavier and there is more speed endurance and longer runs.
In the gym, I do exercises that would in some way mimic what I would do on the track whether it be the similar movement that a power-clean lift has to a block start or the explosiveness of box jumps.
When I’m not training I like to spend time at the beach and with my dog “Rocky”
I also like to make and sell handmade cards. This is a hobby that takes your mind away from things and opens up your creative side which leaves you with a feeling of accomplishment when people buy what you have created.
The most important aspect of training is to stay motivated and remember why you are doing what you are doing.
Motivation is what keeps you turning up to training every day and pushes you forward. I find that writing down your goals and putting them somewhere you can see them all the time is important. When training gets hard or tiring, keep thinking about the end result, it will push you towards success.
The next important aspect of my training is discipline.
I put discipline after motivation because in order to stay disciplined, you need to be motivated first. Discipline is sticking to what you are meant to be doing, putting in 100% all the time and doing everything you can (in training, diet and daily routine) to reach your goal.
Discipline also makes you a more resilient athlete and resilience is another key aspect to success.
I would have to say my biggest challenge is battling my pre-race nerves. I am passionate about what I do and I want to perform to the best of my ability every time so naturally I am going to experience nerves before races. In some instances this works to my advantage when the nerves turn into adrenaline. I don’t like the feeling of nerves and it can leave me feeling fatigued before the race starts.
I always say, the lead up to a race is the most difficult part.
Pre-race nerves will always be there but there is a way to help to control these feelings. Surrounding myself with positive and supportive people is a very good way to help calm the nerves. Also, having faith in all the hard work that you have put in, and believing in who you are and remembering what you are capable of. This won’t make the nerves disappear altogether but it will put a positive spin on your thoughts leaving you in a better frame of mind on the start line.
There are many wonderful people around me who inspire me to be the best athlete I can be.
My mother is definitely the person who keeps me going. She will always pick me up when I am down and always supports me in every way and is my number 1 fan. My sponsors Sydney Magnesium (www.sydneymagnesium.com.au) have been an absolutely marvellous support as they have always believed in me and have been proud of everything I do. My coach Stacey Taurima is also someone who believes in me and through his training and expertise has got me competing at a standard that I didn’t think I could reach.
As far as outside influences, I would have to say I am inspired by Florence Joyner Griffith and Cathy Freeman.
Above all, as a Christian, my faith in God is what ultimately keeps me going. I draw inspiration from the bible. On my starting blocks I have the words written “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. – Philippians 4.13”
The best advice I have been given is “What happens, happens”
For me, this means if it is meant to be it will happen; if not, something else is waiting for you in your life. If I run badly in a race, it is not the end of the world, it just means it was not my day and my day will come.
It’s no secret that music is a HUGE motivator for me in everything I want to achieve. I asked Christine what her top five workout tunes were…
- Sandstorm – Darude
- Kickstart my Heart – Motley Crue
- Paradise City – Guns n Roses
- No easy way out – Robert Tepper
- All Along the Watchtower – Jimi Hendrix
Some rocking tunes for a star athlete!
Another amazing, humble athlete working hard to achieve her goals – thank you SO much, Christine, for sharing your motivations, inspirations & personal achievements. I’m excited to be working with Christine to promote health & wellness amongst women Girls Sweat Too style & can’t wait to see what the future holds!