We’re often told to “believe” and that “you’re worth it”. These mantras are positive, momentarily uplifting & true…until the deeply held beliefs & rehearsed self talk kick back in. Practising a mantra to get you through a challenging period can be helpful. What is particularly difficult is finding what works for longer term gains.
Help & advice from health & fitness professionals is important & recommended. However, unless we actively work to heighten our awareness of where our head space takes us, the language we use on a daily basis, the assumptions & judgements we make as a result of buying into beliefs we’ve rehearsed over a lifetime… sustainable, lifelong healthy choices will allude us. It’s up to us to take charge of our emotional & psychological world to then positively affect our whole being. Building a supportive network of professionals & like-minded individuals is one important factor in promoting an environment for health change. The change itself comes when we actively work for that change.
The challenge for all of us is to reset our priorities. Repeating a behaviour that is destructive to our health and well-being just doesn’t quite make sense…& yet we repeat destructive behaviours everyday. Believing thoughts to be facts…buying in to the beliefs of others… judging ourselves…judging others…making assumptions…comparing ourselves to others & giving up…
The energy we waste on these destructive patterns can be better invested in strengthening our own resolve to be our personal best.
Remember that fit’s for life, not a fad. So let’s get interested in forming healthy habits. A couple of places to start:
1. Reflect on your achievements each evening.
Ask “this time tomorrow, what do I want to see when reflecting on my day”.
Take notice of that voice that says “yeah, but…” for just long enough to realise how often that voice sabotages your drive for change.
Remember, thoughts come & go. It’s your resolve to create the change you’re after that can be strengthened when you rehearse a more realistic & constructive view of your world.
Let today’s achievements inspire tomorrow’s.
2. Take action & live your life.
While setting goals provides a point of focus for health change, life’s to be actively engaged in. Goals can motivate us on a daily basis yet it’s the action we take to attain those goals that reinforces our intent & motivates us on a deeper level to repeat healthy behaviours.
For sustainable health change, “Fit for life” needs to be the ultimate goal & the actions we take each day can lead to the formation of healthy habits.
What is one change you’d like to make to your day? Think about realistic & attainable action that, whilst not earth shattering, will set the groundwork for changing your world.
Action based on your resolve to live a healthier life can start with enhancing your awareness of negative, destructive thinking. For example, how often do you hear “I can’t”, “it’s alright for her”, “people will laugh”, “I never…”, “I always…”, “yeh, but…”…
These thoughts are NOT facts. They come & they go. They are transient. Yet we let them own us & sabotage the goals we set. We start believing them because we have rehearsed them for far longer than we have rehearsed a healthier, realistic mindset.
Let’s change the script. Rehearsals for a healthier way of being start now. Try it on for size. Rehearse like your personal best depends on it. Because it does. Change is possible. Practise believing you’re worth it. Live that belief every day.